Iterate through corrected words

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having in mind this question,

how can we not only extract the first element from the correction match, but extract the whole list and store it into the StringBuffer[].

I want to do that in order to be able then to compare every element of this corrected list with a user input and use whichever element matches the list.

So, for example, user enters: Sain Nicolaa.

The corrected words are:

[main, said, San, gain, skin, Spain, pain, rain, spin, sail, saint, slain, vain, Cain, Jain, stain, satin, shin, Sabin, ain, fain, swain, sin, lain, wain, s ain]


 [Nicolas, Nicola]

So, I want to compare my input to each one of these corrected words and use whatever it matches.

We will need a second loop on the match:

for (RuleMatch match : matches) {

    correctSentence.replace(match.getFromPos() - offset, match.getToPos() - offset, match.getSuggestedReplacements().get(0));
    offset += (match.getToPos() - match.getFromPos() - match.getSuggestedReplacements().get(0).length());


but I am not sure how to handle this, what kind of type must be.


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