I want to realize drag and drop in my RecyclerView
. As I found out, the best way to implement this is by attaching an ItemTouchHelper
to the RecyclerView
works fine, but onMove()
is never triggered.
This is what I do:
EditIngredientsRecyclerViewAdapter premixableIngredientsAdapter = new EditIngredientsRecyclerViewAdapter(this, typeOfComponents);
GridLayoutManager gridLayoutManager1 = new GridLayoutManager(getContext(), 1);
ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback simpleItemTouchCallback = new ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback(0, ItemTouchHelper.LEFT) {
public boolean onMove(@NonNull RecyclerView recyclerView, @NonNull RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, @NonNull RecyclerView.ViewHolder target) {
Log.d(TAG, "onMove: ");
return false;
public void onSwiped(@NonNull RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, int direction) {
Log.d(TAG, "onSwiped: ");
ItemTouchHelper touchHelper = new ItemTouchHelper(simpleItemTouchCallback);
I forgot two things:
**1. update the
to this:Especially important is to overwrite
to specify the direction for dragging and notify the adapter of the moved Item, as I do inonMove()
2. Trigger dragging by
:I did this by creating a small interface in the RecyclerViewAdapter:
When creating the Adapter pass in a new OnStartDragListenerElement like so:
and calling
in an Touchlistener put on a button in the view like so:I am sure, there are more efficient implementations and once somebody posts one here, I will accept it. However, this at least made it working for me.