I need to know client ip from pod where it is running on istio on onpremise.
Is there something wrong from my configurations ?
The ingressgateway is not loadbalancer, nodeport service.
When I configure the TPROXY in application deployemnt, it always show ip of ingressgateway pod.
When I don't configure the TROXY in application deployemtn, it always show
I don't konw why a POD don't get client-ip from proxy-protocol.
Could you know how to configure ?
I configured as follow for proxy protocol.
Traffic flow : Haproxy -> Ingressgateway(NodePort) -> Gateway -> Service -> POD
- Haproxy
Comment: I configure the haproxy for proxy protocol
LoadBalancer: L4
Proxy protocol Port: 7559
1.1 haproxy.cfg
listen nginx-in-istio bind *:7559 mode tcp option tcplog server backend01 check send-proxy-v2
- Ingressgateway
Comment : I configure ingressgateway for only proxy protocol
Service: NodePort
Ingressgateway Pod Label: ingressgateway-cwmp
Envoy Filter :
2.1 Envoyr Filter for proxyprotocol
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: EnvoyFilter metadata: name: proxy-protocol-cwmp namespace: istio-system spec: workloadSelector: labels: istio: ingressgateway-cwmp configPatches: - applyTo: LISTENER match: listener: name: "" portNumber: 7559 patch: operation: MERGE value: listener_filters: - name: envoy.listener.proxy_protocol - name: envoy.listener.tls_inspector
2.2 Envoyr Filter for X-fowarded-for
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: EnvoyFilter metadata: name: ingressgateway-settings-x-forwarede-for-cwmp namespace: istio-system spec: workloadSelector: labels: istio: ingressgateway-cwmp configPatches: - applyTo: NETWORK_FILTER match: context: GATEWAY listener: filterChain: filter: name: envoy.filters.network.http_connection_manager patch: operation: MERGE value: name: envoy.filters.network.http_connection_manager typed_config: "@type": "type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.network.http_connection_manager.v3.HttpConnectionManager" skip_xff_append: false use_remote_address: true xff_num_trusted_hops: 2
2.3 Ingress gateway POD YAML for proxy protocol
template: metadata: annotations: proxy.istio.io/config: '{"gatewayTopology" : { "numTrustedProxies": 2 } }'
3.application deployment YAML
template: metadata: labels: app: nginx annotations: sidecar.istio.io/interceptionMode: TPROXY