I just migrated an older OSGi project to the current equinox version (Kepler SR1). When using the gogo console I encountered a problem when starting the gogo bundles with start level 1 (that's what I usually do with all relevant framework bundles). The gogo console won't startup though all four bundles are active and running. Typing help would result in a NullPointerException. The solution is to start all gogo bundles with the default start level. Did I miss anything or is this just a case of bad design of the bundle lifecycle? Bundles should not depend on start levels in order to work.
I found the reason for the exception:
We are using some old style CommandProviders. There seems to be a bug in the equinox.console bundle when printing the help for the legacy commands. The set of legacyCommandProviders in the class org.eclipse.equinox.console.commands.HelpCommand seems to contain null-entries (for whatever reasons) which lead to the exception. This only occurs sometimes. Seems we need to convert our legacy commands... :-(