Issues with Kudan Markerless

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I have an object that is displayed on my android in AR using Kudan markerless, but when I rotate my phone so its off screen and then back again the object is either not there anymore or has scaled to an undesirable level. Quite simply, once placed I want the object to continue to exist as if it's really in the world. Like AR is supposed to do right?

I have just started with Kudan and I'm running the Markerless Unity tutorial but it doesn't detail any further settings that would make the object seem as if its in real world space. Currently it only seems vaguely real if you don't move the camera that much. Even then the object is quite jittery. Any tips? Thanks

After some experimentation there seem to be a number of other issues with Markerless Kudan:

1/ very erratic frame rates going from 0 - 60 fps with just one object, even after I have halved the screen resolution. There seems to be no reason the fps drops or increases.

2/ Occasionally very long freezes of 15 seconds or more.

3/ Markerless objects always seem to come closer to the camera steadily as if gravitating. They will eventually end up inside/on top of the camera.

4/ They never look at all like they are in the real world. Always shaking and moving around.

5/ If I keep the camera very still and wave my hand around in front of it, this actually pushes the object around the screen. Why on earth would I want that to happen as default behavior? Is that a bug? Surely it should only move when the camera moves/rotates? Can someone explain why this is happening?

Am I doing something wrong or is this technology still way off from being usable?


There are 1 answers

DisturbedNeo On

1) Frame rate is dependant on a lot of things.
If you have an old or cheap phone, it could be that your processor simply isn't up to the task.
If you're in an environment that is poorly lit or otherwise difficult to track, then the tracker has to do more work and subsequently there is more load on the processor.
Random frame rate drops in Unity are a problem in many games / apps, just because of the nature of Unity.

2) "Freezes" are essentially just the frame rate dropping to 0. See 1).

3) That simply doesn't happen in any of Kudan's demos, so something else must be going on here, possibly the reasons mentioned in 1).

4) Don't really know what you mean by "shaking", but it isn't something I've seen all that much.

5) Markerless tracking works by tracking the camera image, if you wave your hand in front of the camera, your hand becomes part of the tracked image. If you then move your hand away, the tracker attempts to adjust for the change in its "environment" and move the object in relation to your hand.