Issues with DCE on TYPO3 upgrade

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I have Upgraded typo3 from 9.5.5 to 10.4.19 and DCE from 2.03.x to 2.6.2

After the DCE upgrade, the Image upload field configuration seems wrongly changed ( The images are not in those fields and in Frontend the images are present which is the cache.

I have tried changing the old configuration of DCE to the new one. The field is okay now, But the website is refreshed and old images are gone.

I have more than 200 pages. So impossible to reupload. I have uploaded my backup and now I am at the previous state.

Checked the install tool, Unfortunately, there are no Upgrade wizards present for DCE. How can I make it correct without losing images?

Help me!


There are 2 answers

Julian Hofmann On

It is the change from old image handling to FAL-based referencing images. In former versions of DCE, the filename has been saved in tt_content.pi_flexform and there was a predefined/configured path, where this file should be searched. For some time, in TYPO3 files are handled via FAL and so as a relation to an entry of table sys_file...

A few weeks ago, a migrated some DCE elements for a customer. Instead of programming an upgrade-wizard, some lines of PHP were used.

Step 1: Export relevant data

Export the 'uid' of your content elements and filename within your DCE.

For the DCE with UID=2 whre the files field is called "image" this can be done via:

SELECT ExtractValue(pi_flexform, '//field[@index="settings.image"]/value') as filename, `uid`
FROM `tt_content`
WHERE CType='dce_dceuid2' AND ExtractValue(pi_flexform, '//field[@index="settings.image"]/value')!='';

Export the result as CSV.

Step 2: Create releation in sys_file_reference and update tt_content

Now we have to manage the changes to the database:

  1. Create FAL-relations between the DCEs and the sys_file-entries (in form of sys_file_reference-records)
  2. Update the pi_flexform of existing DCE content elements
  3. Update the structure of old-styled DCEs

For these steps, I generated SQL-Queries with a PHP function:

function process(string $csv, string $CType, string $fieldName = 'image'): void
    foreach (explode(chr(10), $csv) as $line) {
        [$fileName, $uid] = explode(';', $line);
        if ($fileName && $fileName !== '""') {
            $uid = trim($uid);
            echo htmlentities("INSERT INTO sys_file_reference (uid_local, uid_foreign, tablenames, fieldname, table_local) VALUES((SELECT uid FROM sys_file WHERE identifier=\"/_migrated_/pics/" . $fileName . "\"), $uid, 'tt_content', '" . $fieldName . "', 'sys_file');",
                    ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5) . chr(10);
    echo htmlentities('UPDATE tt_content SET pi_flexform=UpdateXML(`pi_flexform`, \'//field[@index="settings.' . $fieldName . '"]/value\', \'<value index=\"vDEF\">1</value>\') WHERE uid=437 AND CType=\'' . $CType . '\' AND ExtractValue(pi_flexform, \'//field[@index="settings.' . $fieldName . '"]/value\')!=\'\';',
            ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5) . chr(10);

    $configuration = '<config>
            <types type="array">
                <numIndex index="2">






    echo 'UPDATE tx_dce_domain_model_dcefield SET configuration=\'' . htmlentities($configuration, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5) . '\' WHERE variable=\'' . $fieldName . '\' AND parent_dce=' . str_replace('dce_dceuid', '', $CType) . ';' . chr(10);

Now, we need to combine the CSV with the code:

$csv = 'image_1.jpg;82
process($csv, 'dce_dceuid2', 'image');

This will not change anything, but only print out the necessary SQL-queries, which can be reviewed, copied and fired.

user12414491 On

Thank you everyone for these detailed explanations.

But We found another method to solve. When analyzing the issue, The Old configuration for the image is having field name as<fieldname>{$bannerimage}</fieldname> And in the database the sys_file_reference table's field name contains the same variable as '{$bannerimage}

What we have done to solve the issue is:

Updated the image configuration to the newest conf and then replaced the <fieldname>{$variable}</fieldname> to <fieldname>bannerimage</fieldname> The same is done in the DB too. fieldname changed from {$bannerimage} to bannerimage This fixed all problems without losing the image.