Issues multi-threading the loading of thousands of images causing IOException

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I am having an issue loading a large amount of images via the ForkJoinPool, I am testing on a 4 core Intel with hyper-theading so 8 logical threads. However, I limit the Pool to only 4 Threads. And I receive errors from ImageIO not being able to find the image.

public class LoadImages extends RecursiveAction {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

//this is an example
private static int threadThreshold = totalImages/totalThreads + 2;

private String[] imgArr;
private int arrStart = 0;
private int arrSize = 0;

public LoadImages(String[] imgs, int start, int size) {
    imgArr = imgs;
    arrSize = size;
    arrStart = start;

protected void processImages(){
    BufferedImage img = null;
    for (int i = arrStart; i < arrStart + arrSize; i++) {
            img = File(imgArr[i]));    
        } catch (IOException | CMMException | NullPointerException e) {
            img = null;



protected void compute() {
    // Check the number of files
    if (arrSize <= threadThreshold) {
    } else {

        int split = arrSize / 2;

        invokeAll(new LoadImages(imgArr, arrStart, split), new LoadImages(imgArr, arrStart + split, arrSize - split));


Any insight on what I am doing wrong would be great, I notice it really only breaks if I have over 1700+ images and all the images are 5MB and over.

Here is the error I am receiving from Java:

javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't create an ImageInputStream!
at Source)

When I know the file is there. I used this code as a guide:


There are 3 answers

ControlAltDel On

Seems kind of random. My guess is it could just be a hardware or OS error. Assuming this is a scaling issue, my advise with your 1700+ images is that you'd probably be better off setting this up on the cloud somewhere - could save a lot of time and headaches

Wes Cumberland On

If you go inspect the source for and you can see that see that ImageIO reuses instances of ImageReader, and this article says that ImageReader is not thread-safe. You'll probably have to create your own ImageReaders for use in the separate threads.

Also you should measure how much this multithreading-IO strategy really gains you. If you're trying to pull gigs of image data off of a spinning hard-drive your process will probably be I/O bound and parallelizing the loading won't give you much.

Govinda S. R. On

It seems to me an ImageIO error when internally it creates the ImageInputStream. Did you try to read the images with an ImageInputStream? Like:

InputStream is = new FileInputStream("path");
ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(is);
BufferedImage bufImage =;