Issue with displaying folium map in pyQt

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I'm working on a project where I'm trying to load and display map data using PyQt and folium.**

Problem Description

Note: Content larger than 2 MB cannot be displayed, because setHtml() converts the provided HTML to percent-encoding and places data: in front of it to create the URL it navigates to. Thereby, the provided code becomes a URL that exceeds the 2 MB limit set by Chromium. If the content is too large, the loadFinished() signal is triggered with success=false. -

I'm using PyQt6.5.3 to convert map data into HTML and trying to display it through QWebEngineView. However, as the data size increases, I'm getting an error that says, "Content larger than 2 MB cannot be displayed" when using the setHtml() function.


def display_map(self, df, selected_states, selected_livestocks, color_mapping):
    if 'total' not in selected_states:
        df = df[df['sig_kor_nm'].isin(selected_states)]
    if 'total' not in selected_livestocks:
        df = df[df['prt_type_nm'].isin(selected_livestocks)]
    df_copy = df.copy()
    df_copy.loc[:, 'geometry'] = df_copy['geom_coordinates'].apply(lambda x: Polygon(ast.literal_eval(x)[0]) if pd.notnull(x) else None)
    df = df_copy
    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry='geometry')
    m = folium.Map(location=[36.429, 127.977], scrollWheelZoom=True, tiles='cartodbdark_matter', zoom_start=6.5)

    geojson_data = gdf.to_json()
                       style_function=lambda x: {
                           'color': color_mapping.get(x['properties']['prt_type_nm'], 'gray'),
                           'fillColor': color_mapping.get(x['properties']['prt_type_nm'], 'gray')

    html_string = m.get_root().render()

Attempted Solution(not working well)

temp_file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "temp_map.html")

error : js: Uncaught ReferenceError: L is not defined

I'm looking for an alternative to the setHtml() function or any other method to handle it.


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