issue in locating cx_oracle python package files/directory

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I installed cx_Oracle python package using pycharm's package installer. It installed successfully and also works perfectly. The installed directory for the package is shown as c:\program files(x86)\python36-32\lib\site-packages\. When I go to this directory I do not see the package directory for cx_Oracle. I only see following two related to cx_Oracle - cx_Oracle-6.0.1.dist-info directory and cx_Oracle.cp36-win32.pyd file. For other packages I see package directory as well as a info directory but for cx_Oracle I see only the info directory.

Where does the package directory for cx_Oracle is present?


There are 1 answers

Pavel Stárek On

file cx_Oracle.cp36-win32.pyd is the cx_Oracle module itself. When You imports cx_Oracle in Your Python program, Python interpreter loads this pyd (which is de facto a dll library linked against python36.dll) and calls functions from this Python "module". cx_Oracle has no more files (ie|c)) like other modules.