My android app used the old microsoft Translator very well but I am having problems getting the app to work with the new Cognitive Services.
First I got a new azure translation account that has the following values (these are not the real values)
Name: MYTranslateAcct
Resource group: translate
subscription ID: 981h5ce7-7ac7-4f6f-b4a5-ff04dc9e4266
key1 d122230418a8479ab5c06f2f1fca664c
key2 39c1f187o9814f4e983jba9eedd2e2c7
My first step is to try to get a token. Microsoft has docs on doing this in JAVA but not in an Android environment. I dug around and have put together some code but it is not working. One problem is that the docs use terms that I don't have in my account such as "app-id" and "key". I don't have those things - I just have the list of values above.
Here is my code . . .
class translateMessage extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, String> { String retString; String inString = null; translateMessage(String inString) { this.inString = inString; } @Override protected String doInBackground(Void... arg0) { try { String key = "881b5ce7-9ac7-4f6f-b4a5-ff04dc9e3199"; String authenticationUrl = ""; HttpsURLConnection authConn = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(authenticationUrl).openConnection(); authConn.setRequestMethod("POST"); authConn.setDoOutput(true); authConn.setRequestProperty("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", key); IOUtils.write("", authConn.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8"); //following line of code gets the exception . . . String token = IOUtils.toString(authConn.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); //this blows } catch (Exception e) { String myString = e.getMessage(); String aString = "look at e"; } return retString; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(String result) { String debugStr = result; translation.setText(result); } }
Following is the exception . . .
What am I doing wrong? Is anyone aware of any working Android java code using the new services?
I posted this on Azure support and someone called me within an hour. I was passing the wrong key. When you get a translate cognitive account you get Key1 and Key2. Either of them will work. So the code is a useful example of working code that will get a token.