For all of our mobile sites we log all incoming requests to our pages via a PHP script. We get thousands of hits each day from Opera mini and we have been using the code snippet below to determine the correct user agent.
if (array_key_exists("X-OperaMini-Phone", $headers))
$ua= mysql_real_escape_string('Opera-').($headers["X-OperaMini-Phone"]);
{ $ua = mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); }
However, after running this for some time I find that in the vast majority of cases the X-OperaMini-Phone header is blank. Does the code above look correct? And if so, can you shed some light on why?
It is more advisable to look for the string "Opera Mini" in the UA string while detecting Opera Mini. X-OperaMini-Phone header may not be reported by all devices. Refer here for details.