Issue connection Selenoid GGR (Go Grid Router)

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I am trying to run nightwatchjs test using selenoid ggr (Go Grid router) but I am getting the below error:

- Connecting to un:pwd@ip_add on port 4444...
POST http://un:pwd@ip_add:4444 /wd/hub/session - EAI_FAIL

Error: getaddrinfo EAI_FAIL un:pwd@ip_add ‼ Error connecting to un:pwd@ip_add on port 4444.

Below are the various container that's running on my Linux machine (IP_add)

various container info

Could you please support in identifying the issue?

Also, I am unable to navigate to ggr-ui

ggr-ui unable to access


There are 2 answers

Pavel Dovgan On

Well, to run tests on GGR for me was enough official documentations

I configured 2 machines

On machine №1 (where was configure ggr + ggr(ui))

You can see my list of configured containers

list of containers screen

On machine №2

Was configured Selenoid and Selenoid UI

Also do not forget to configure quota file(see official documentation)

See common screen of configuration:

screen of common configuration

AkbarC On

I was now able to run the test using GGR.

Following command were run to start selenoid, ggr, ggr-ui and selenoid UI:

./cm selenoid start --vnc --port 4445

docker run -d --name ggr -v /etc/grid-router/:/etc/grid-router:ro --net host aerokube/ggr:latest-release

docker run -d --name ggr-ui -p 8888:8888 -v /etc/grid-router/quota/:/etc/grid-router/quota:ro aerokube/ggr-ui:latest-release

docker run -d --name selenoid-ui --link ggr-ui -p 8080:8080 aerokube/selenoid-ui --selenoid-uri=http://ggr-ui:8888

To navigate to ggr dashboard:

http://'ip address':8080/

In nightwatch config use following selenoum config:

host: '',
port: 4444,
'username': "test",
'access_key': "test-password",
start_process: false,

This way I was able to run the test