Issue connecting to socks5 proxy with chrome web driver selenium python

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I am trying to use chrome web driver with selenium with a socks5 proxy. Since you can't use authentication proxys with chromedriver, only ones that don't require auth, I have worked around this by creating an extension and connecting to the proxy with the extension. It is opening, but it will not connect to any websites. I will include my code, along with the proxy server so you can try it and see what happens.

import os
import zipfile
from selenium import webdriver

PROXY_HOST = ''  # rotating proxy or host
PROXY_PORT = 57425  # port
PROXY_USER = '443808b7f7b8'  # username
PROXY_PASS = '6526ade8d11a'  # password

manifest_json = f'''
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "manifest_version": 2,
    "name": "Chrome Proxy",
    "permissions": [
    "background": {{
        "scripts": ["background.js"]
    "minimum_chrome_version": "22.0.0"

background_js = f'''
var config = {{
    mode: "fixed_servers",
    rules: {{
        singleProxy: {{
            scheme: "http",
            host: "{PROXY_HOST}",
            port: parseInt({PROXY_PORT})
        bypassList: ["localhost"]

chrome.proxy.settings.set({{value: config, scope: "regular"}}, function() {{}});

function callbackFn(details) {{
    return {{
        authCredentials: {{
            username: "{PROXY_USER}",
            password: "{PROXY_PASS}"

    {{urls: ["<all_urls>"]}},

def create_proxy_extension():
    with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as zp:
        zp.writestr("manifest.json", manifest_json)
        zp.writestr("background.js", background_js)

def get_chromedriver(use_proxy=False, user_agent=None):
    path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    if use_proxy:

    chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    if use_proxy:
        chrome_options.add_extension(os.path.join(path, ''))
    if user_agent:

    # Specify the path to your chromedriver.exe here
    chromedriver_path = 'C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python311/Scripts/chromedriver-win64/chromedriver.exe'

    driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options)
    return driver

def main():
    driver = get_chromedriver(use_proxy=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

I've tried going to different websites, I've tried different proxies, same issue.


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