Is there way to insert the same data into multiple columns is SQL?

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Let's say we wanted to put the same data into multiple rows like so.

Column names for this example:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 

VALUES ('long string')

This is an example of what I mean so the same value is in each column

Monday      |  Tuesday    | Wednesday   | Thursday    | Friday 
long string | long string | long string | long string | long string

I want that long string within all columns, is there a way to do this without using multiple insert statements? OR is there a way to create a CTE that could automate this to make it easier?


There are 3 answers

Gordon Linoff On

You have to list all the values:

insert into sample (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
    values ('long string', 'long string', 'long string', 'long string', 'long string');

You don't specify the database, but you could use a subquery to reduce the size of the query:

insert into sample (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
    select val, val, val, val, val
    from (select 'long string' as val) x;
Jay Ganesan On


insert into sample (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) values select 'long string'

twoleggedhorse On

You could expand Gordon's example like this:

INSERT INTO @valuesToInsert
('This is a long sentence'), 
('This is another long sentence'), 
('This is yet another long sentence')

INSERT INTO sample (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
SELECT  val, val, val, val, val
FROM    @valuesToInsert

@valuesToInsert is your datasource that you want to use (I've created a table variable just to show multiple data rows