Is there something like nodemon in Rust?

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In javascript nodemon is a static files server that reloads on code changes. I am using wasm-pack and miniserve to do two commands:


wasm-pack build --target web --out-name wasm --out-dir ./static/build


miniserve ./static --index index.html

I would love these two to be automated just like in javascript with nodemon.


There are 2 answers

Julius Lungys On

Use cargo-watch and pass shell commands to execute using -s or --shell flags:

cargo watch -s 'wasm-pack build --target web --out-name wasm --out-dir ./static/build && miniserve ./static --index index.html'

Thanks for the help Lux and kmdreko

Airat Galiullin On

Use chobs. It can execute your command and restart it on changes.

chobs watch -e "crago run -- -f -e -b"

or any other exec.