I was working on a project where I have to update jira issue fields like components , epic links,etc. I am using jira python client(https://pypi.org/project/jira/) to do this task.
ticketObj = authJira.issue('ABC-12345')
This is outputing below results
Because components is a array So If want to update a field in the jissue I have to do the below things
ticketObj.update(components = ['component 1'])
But this method is giving below error
JiraError HTTP 400 url: https://jira.yourdomain.com/rest/api/2/issue/1234567
text: Can not instantiate value of type [simple type, class com.atlassian.jira.rest.api.issue.FieldOperation] from JSON String; no single-String constructor/factory method (through reference chain: com.atlassian.jira.rest.v2.issue.IssueUpdateBean["update"])
response headers = {...}
response text = {"errorMessages":["Can not instantiate value of type [simple type, class com.atlassian.jira.rest.api.issue.FieldOperation] from JSON String; no single-String constructor/factory method (through reference chain: com.atlassian.jira.rest.v2.issue.IssueUpdateBean[\"update\"])"]}
I'm the author of this question, I researched everywhere and I sadly didn't find the method to add components using jira python client,so I created new method to add component which uses rest api provided by .
I got another cleaner method, If We want to update any fields of issue in jira we could use the Jira api method of updating by passing dictionary to update argument.