Is there any way for Node.js Double Quoted json array

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I am writing an app for subtitle translate. But i have a problem. I will use Microsoft Translater Text Api and this api requires this type of request body;

Request body The body of the request is a JSON array. Each array element is a JSON object with a string property named Text, which represents the string to translate. The following limitations apply:

The array can have at most 25 elements. The entire text included in the request cannot exceed 5,000 characters including spaces.

        "Text": "I would really like to drive your car around the block a few times."
        "Text": "Tried something new."

I tried almost everything. My options data is this;

data: [
    { Text: 'Oh! What a nice day!\r' },
    { Text: "Keep going this way! We'll\rsee the navy base soon.\r" },
    { Text: 'Koby! You are good!\r' },
    { Text: 'We got here indeed!\r' },
    { Text: 'Sure...\r' },
    { Text: "That's the basic skill of a sailor!\r" },
    { Text: "You're still in a good mood, Luffy.\r" },
    { Text: 'I heard that he was caught there!\r' },
    { Text: 'The famous bounty hunter Roronoa Zoro!\r' },
    { Text: 'A bloody animal! Hunting down pirates!\r' },
    { Text: '<i>He cuts them into pieces!</i>\r' },
    { Text: `<i>He's a man, known as "the demon".</i>\r` },
      Text: '(Episode 2) "The Great Swordsman!\rBounty Hunter Roronoa Zoro"\r'
      Text: '(Episode 2) "Daikengou Arawaru!\rKaizoku-kari Roronoa Zoro"\r'
      Text: '<i>(Based on Manga ch.3: "Enter Zoro Pirate\rHunter", ch.4: "The Great Captain Morgan"...)</i>\r'
      Text: '<i>(...and ch.5: "The Pirate\rKing And The Master Swordsman")</i>\r'
    { Text: 'We are finally here!\r' },
    { Text: 'Hey Luffy,\r' },
    { Text: "Don't be stupid enough to see him!\r" },
    { Text: "I havn't decided yet\r" },
    { Text: 'depends on whether he\ris a good guy or not.\r' },
    { Text: "He is a bad guy! That's\rwhy he was caught!\r" },
    { Text: 'Uh, is Zoro captured at the base?\r' },
    { Text: "You can't mention that name here!\r" },
      Text: "Let's go there first! Don't\ryou want to join the navy?\r"

First, i need to make this Text key with double quoted. Second, i need to make the value with double quoted not with single quote.This is my full code.

const axios = require('axios');
const fs = require('fs/promises');
const { format } = require('path');
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');

async function translateandsave(subtitleBatch) {
  const key = "Text";
  const formattedData = => ({ [key]: `"${text}"` }));

  const options = {
    method: 'POST',
    url: '',
    params: {
      'to[0]': 'tr',
      'api-version': '3.0',
      profanityAction: 'NoAction',
      textType: 'plain'
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'application/json',
      'X-RapidAPI-Key': 'secret!',
      'X-RapidAPI-Host': ''
    data: => ({ "Text": text }))

  try {
  const response = await axios.request(options);
  const translatedSubtitles = => entry.translations[0].text);

  const newSubtitleFilePath = `temp_${uuidv4()}\\`;
  await fs.appendFile(newSubtitleFilePath,{ flag: 'wx' }, translatedSubtitles.join('\n'));

  } catch (error) {
  console.error(`Batch translate error:`, error.message);

const originalSubtitleFilePath = 'temp_9985f505-1aa0-436b-bb36-025c77759de1\\';
async function main() {
  try {
    const originalSubtitleContent = await fs.readFile(originalSubtitleFilePath, 'utf-8');
    const lines = originalSubtitleContent.split('\n');

    const batchSize = 25;
    let subtitleBatch = [];

    let subcounts = [];
    let timecodes = [];
    let texts = [];
    let iscount = true;
    let istimecode = false;
    let istext = false;
    let textcount = 0;
    for (const line of lines) {
      if(line.trim() === '') {
        iscount = true;
        istimecode = false;
        istext = false;
        textcount = 0;
        if(subtitleBatch.length === batchSize){
          await translateandsave(subtitleBatch)
          subtitleBatch = [];

      else if (iscount===true){
        iscount = false;
        istimecode = true;
      else if (istimecode===true){
        istimecode = false;
        istext = true;
      else if(istext === true){
        if(textcount === 0){
          texts[texts.length-1] += line

  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error:', error.message);


I tried text.replace and all other stuff.


There are 1 answers

infinityosman On

I have solved my issue like this; i suppose the issue was in the accept headers.I have added the 'Accept-Encoding': 'zlib' to my headers and it fixed it! Anyone who has problem,try this.

async function translatebatch(subtitleBatch) {
  let myObjectArray = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < subtitleBatch.length; i++) {
    let myObject = {};
    myObject["Text"] = subtitleBatch[i];
    myObjectArray.push(myObject); // Oluşturulan nesneyi diziye ekleyin
  const options = {
    method: 'POST',
    url: '',
    params: {
      'to[0]': 'tr',
      'api-version': '3.0',
      profanityAction: 'NoAction',
      textType: 'plain'
    headers: {
      'Accept-Encoding': 'zlib',
      'content-type': 'application/json',
      'X-RapidAPI-Key': 'secret!',
      'X-RapidAPI-Host': ''
    data: JSON.stringify(myObjectArray)

  try {
    const response = await axios.request(options); => {
      const translatedText = entry.translations[0].text;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Batch translate error:`, error);