Is there any example for: How to use "OASIS Library" in Java to create XLIFF file

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Hello basically I want to use this library to create (XLIFF) files but i'm searching many times but did not find any example for how to use it this is link for [OASIS][1][1]: OR if there any library can I use to create XLIFF file example for file :

<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" version="2.0"
 srcLang="en-US" trgLang="ja-JP">
 <file id="f1" original="Graphic Example.psd">
  <skeleton href="Graphic Example.psd.skl"/>
  <unit id="1">
  <unit id="2">
    <source>An application to manipulate and process XLIFF documents</source>
    <target>XLIFF 文書を編集、または処理 するアプリケーションです。</target>
  <unit id="3">
    <source>XLIFF Data Manager</source>
    <target>XLIFF データ・マネージャ</target>

There are 1 answers

Martin Wunderlich On

Oasis is not a library, but an organization which creates and maintains open standards. The link you provide is the specification of the XLIFF 2.1 standard.

To create an XLIFF file programmatically using Java, I would recommend the Okapi Framework and, specifically, its XLIFF toolkit. It is well documented and actively maintained, so you should be able to figure it out based on the documentation and code examples.

(disclaimer: I am one of the committers of the Okapi framework)