Is there any editor out there that supports code hinting for LESS files?
Is there any editor out there that supports code hinting for LESS files?
400 views Asked by ChrisHu At
Is there any editor out there that supports code hinting for LESS files?
WebStorm editor offers their own code analysis tool (hinter?) with support for LESS included among all the other file types that they support, WebStorm is awesome and it is payware rightly so.
If you need a free tool, you can use twitter's recess and Sublime Text 2 or 3 to lint your less formated css. You're gonna need to install npm which comes bundled with nodeJS (and you might want to consider installing nodeJS using a version manager like n or nvm so you can seamlessly update and switch versions as needed).
Once you have npm installed and available from command line ("terminal" or tty):
Install recess globally.
sudo npm install recess -g
And then install the sublime plugin from package control using ctrl+shift+P then
install package
and searchtwitter recess