is there another site like

24.2k views Asked by At

is this site not working any more as i cant get it to work, it used to work.

is there any RELIABLE service like it


There are 3 answers

Eric L. On

Even if you don't use the related component, you can find a list of services here:

I am not sure that all this services propose IP geocoding. At least MaxMind allows that, but it is not free.

nekudo On

You can also checkout:

I just started this as an alternative to freegeoip. Is's completely free and open-source so you can also setup your own copy if you like.

nekudo On

To setup your own instance this is what you have to to:

  1. Pull the sourcecode from the github repsitory and put it on your server.
  2. Run "composer install" to load all dependencies. (Install composer if you don't have it yet)
  3. Download a copy of the GeoLite2 database and put it into a "data" folder. The path do the database can be change in "www/index.php".
  4. Point your webserver to the "www" folder and you're done.

There is an optional PHP extension provided by Maxmind which you can install to increase database read performance.