I am creating tests against an Entity Framework 6 repository. Due to a dependency between a product type and loan, I get a circular reference error when using Autofixture.AutoMoq. Is there an attribute that I can place over a test method so I can eliminate the following line of code (and its related items in the example, below): "fixture.Inject(Enumerable.Empty<Loan>());"
I am using XUnit, Autofixture, Autofixutre.AutoMoq, AutoFixture.Xnit2, Moq
Here are some additional details, which may be helpful...
Loan(N) --- (1) ProductType
Due to the circular reference in my EF6 model, I cannot do the following:
[Theory, AutoMoqData]
public void ProductTypes_GetList()
List<ProductType> productTypeList,
[Frozen] Mock<IProductTypeRepository> productTypeRepo)
Instead, I have to do the following in order to avoid the circular reference issue:
var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
// Avoid circular dependency in EF.
// Eliminating the many side of the relationship.
var productTypeRepo = fixture.Freeze<Mock<IProductTypeRepository>>();
// Create a list of product types.
List<ProductType> productTypeList = fixture.Create<List<ProductType>>();
productTypeRepo.Setup(_ => _.GetAll()).Returns(productTypeList);
I would appreciate learning whether it is possible to achieve my goal and reduce the lines of code.
Thank you in advance for time and suggestions.
You can use customization to do this, and wrap your own customization into an attribute..
Heres an example of a customization:
You can wrap customizations up into a class that implements
and finally following the guidance in Encapsulating AutoFixture Customizations by Mark Seemann, you can wrap that all up nicely into an attribute so you can do: