Is there a workaround to set a relative RPATH in CMake under Windows

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I want to set the RPATH in CMake to $ORIGIN. I am cross-compiling for a Linux system on my Windows machine. I need to set the RPATH property to $ORIGIN. For that I use the following code.

set_target_properties(LibraryName PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH "\$ORIGIN")

What I get is \$ORIGIN.

I also tried different ways to escape the $ sign

set_target_properties(LibraryName PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH "$ORIGIN") -> \$ORIGIN
set_target_properties(LibraryName PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH $ORIGIN) -> \$ORIGIN
set_target_properties(LibraryName PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH \$ORIGIN) -> \$ORIGIN
set_target_properties(LibraryName PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH "\\\$ORIGIN") -> \\\$ORIGIN

When I cross-compile the same project using a Linux machine, than it works. Meaning "\$ORIGIN" -> $ORIGIN. I already opened a defect in the CMake Issue Tracker, but that takes some time I guess. Is there a workaround how I can set the RPATH in Windows? Maybe some command line tool or other hack? ;-)


I tried even more things:

set_target_properties(LibraryName PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH [=[$ORIGIN]=]) => \$ORIGIN

set_target_properties(FancyLibrary PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH ${ORIGIN_RPATH})  => \$ORIGIN

cmake_policy(SET CMP0095 OLD) + any of the mentioned variations => \$ORIGIN

When I look into the build.make file I find the escaped linker option -Wl,-rpath,"\$$ORIGIN" Is there a way to at least manipulate the generated build.make before it is executed?


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