Is there a way to output text to the R console in color

32.3k views Asked by At

I am writing a script and I want to output text messages to the console with different colors depending on conditions. For example: RED for errors and BLUE for warnings, etc.

I am using RStudio.


There are 6 answers


Another option could be using the insight package with the print_color function. You could also make the text bold or italic. Here is some reproducible code:

print_color("ERROR", "red")
print_color("WARNINGS", "blue")

Output RStudio:

enter image description here

Gavin Simpson On

The xterm256 package by Romain Francoise allows this sort of thing in general on any console that understands xterm256 interrupts.

Aquino On

On either Linux or Mac, you could try It doesn't work on Windows.

Pedro_S On

Actually, there IS a way without using R packages (Crayon and cli):

Use cat, paste0 and some ANSI hell to do it:

for(col in 29:47){ cat(paste0("\033[0;", col, "m",txt,"\033[0m","\n"))}

You will need to do a bigger function, since cat is not very flexible, but this works well.

Obs: This solution was observed by a colleague, which is a perl stan.

krlmlr On

Check out the new crayon package:

cat(blue("Hello", "world!\n"))

More info on the GitHub page.

Works in RStudio 1.2.360+

Joseph Crispell On

Late to the game but building on @Pedro_S's answer here's an example of how could write functions to use ANSI colours to print coloured text based on plain text input of colours ("red", "green", etc.):

#' Convert plain text colour to ANSI code
#' @param colour colour in plain text ("red", "green", etc.) to convert to ANSI
#' @return string representing provided colour as ANSI encoding
#' @examples
#' colour_to_ansi("red") # gives: "\033[31m"
colour_to_ansi <- function(colour) {
  # Note ANSI colour codes
  colour_codes <- list(
    "black" = 30,
    "red" = 31,
    "green" = 32,
    "yellow" = 33,
    "blue" = 34,
    "magenta" = 35,
    "cyan" = 36,
    "white" = 37

  # Check colour provided in codes above
  if (colour %in% names(colour_codes) == FALSE) {
        "Colour provided (", colour, ") can't be converted to ANSI. ",
        "Must be one of: \n", paste(names(colour_codes), collapse = ",")

  # Create ANSI version of colour
  ansi_colour <- paste0("\033[", colour_codes[[colour]], "m")


#' Print (cat) progress text as coloured text
#' @param text string to print using cat()
#' @param colour plain text colour ("red", "green", etc.). Defaults to "green"
#' @examples
#' coloured_print("This is a test", colour = "blue")
coloured_print <- function(text, colour = "green") {
  cat(colour_to_ansi(colour), text, "\033[0m\n")