Is there a way to match strings:numbers with variable positioning within the string?

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We are using a simple curl to get metrics via an API. The problem is, that the output is fixed in the amount of arguments but not their position within the output.

We need to do this with a "simple" regex since the tool only accepts this.


It works fine for:


However if the output order is changed, then it doesn't match any more:


I need a relative definition of the strings to match, since I never know at which position they will appear. Its in total 9 different queue-metric-groups.


There are 1 answers

3limin4t0r On

The simple option is to use a regex for each key-value pair instead of one large regex.


This other option is not a regex, but might be sufficient. Instead of using regex, you could simply transform the resulting response before reading it. Since you say "We are using a simple curl" I'm guessing you're talking about the Curl command line tool. You could pipe the result into a simple Perl command.

perl -ne 'use JSON; use Text::CSV qw(csv); $hash = decode_json $_; csv (sep_char=> ";", out => *STDOUT, in => [[$hash->{name}, $hash->{memory}, $hash->{consumer_utilisation}, $hash->{messages_unacknowledged}, $hash->{messages_ready}, $hash->{messages}]]);'

This will keep the order the same, making it easier to use a regex to read out the data.





For this to work you need Perl and the packages JSON and Text::CSV installed. On my system they are present in perl, libjson-perl and libtext-csv-perl.

note: I'm currently using ; as separator. If this is included into one of the output will be surrounded by double quotes. "name":"que;ue1" => "que;ue1";89048;;0;0;0 If the value includes both a ; and a " the " will be escaped by placing another one before it. "name":"q\"ue;ue1" => "q""ue;ue1";89048;;0;0;0