Is there a way to listen to outgoing postMessages in Javascript?

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Is there any way to listen for postMessages at the origin page ?
Any event that gets fired when the current window object is sending a postMessage ?

I searched a lot but didn't really find anything.

Your help would be much appreciated. Thank you !

[Edit] The reason I'm trying to do this, is because I'm developing an extension to analyse the communication of pages. For example, how the page communicates with an inner IFrame or a new Window it opened. What i've done so far is injecting a Javascript-File into every IFrame/new Window, and adding a listener for messages to the window object. With this I can detect when a message has been received at the target. The problem is that I would like to get the full URL of the source, which isn't possible if it's cross-origin.


There are 2 answers

GibboK On

You can wrap window.postMessage() in a function and fire there a custom event (using a native custom event in JS, jQuery or another library of your preference).

Below an example using custom event (works on Chrome and Firefox). Please look in the console tab.,output

<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <script> = {
            start: function () {
                // get the iframe
                var domain = '*';
                var iframe = document.getElementById('myIFrame').contentWindow;

                // listen to custom event
                document.body.addEventListener('postMessage', function (e) {
                    console.log('postMessage has been listened');
                }, false);

                function myPostMessage(message, domain) {
                    iframe.postMessage(message, domain); //send the message and target URI
                    // creat a custom event
                    var event = new Event('postMessage');

                // send preioducally messages for example
                setInterval(function () {
                    var message = 'Time is: ' + (new Date().getTime());
                    myPostMessage(message, domain); //send the message and target URI
                }, 1000);



<body onload=";">
    <iframe id="myIFrame" src=""></iframe>

Here a slight modified version, allow to pass to your custom function the original event for postMessage.,console,output

Following your last EDIT in your question. This solution would work obviously only if you own "destination" source code and may not apply in your specific scenario (still I hope it is useful for also other readers).

Thomas Chille On

Monkey patching can do the trick:

const pm = window.postMessage;
window.postMessage = (msg, domain) => {
    pm(msg, domain);