Is there a way to get the fields of a form submitted by workflow in Liferay?

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I am working with Liferay 7.2.

I am trying to get the fields of the forms that are sent by notification to the user through a workflow, it is a form created by liferay (Content & Data -> Forms). I have developed the following code:

    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.GetterUtil;
    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowConstants;
    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowHandler;
    import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowHandlerRegistryUtil;
    import com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetCategory;
    import com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetEntry;
    import com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetRenderer;
    import com.liferay.asset.kernel.model.AssetRendererFactory;
    import com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalServiceUtil;

    import java.util.List;

    String className = (String)workflowContext.get(

    WorkflowHandler workflowHandler =

    AssetRendererFactory assetRendererFactory =

    long classPK =

    AssetRenderer assetRenderer =

    AssetEntry assetEntry = assetRendererFactory.getAssetEntry(
        assetRendererFactory.getClassName(), assetRenderer.getClassPK());

    List<AssetCategory> assetCategories = assetEntry.getCategories();
    returnValue = "Default Review";

Output is, but I do not see where the fields are:


{entryId=56712, groupId=11555, companyId=11552, userId=11561, userName=Test Test, createDate=Tue Dec 15 08:30:19 GMT 2020, modifiedDate=Tue Dec 15 08:30:19 GMT 2020, classNameId=33012, classPK=56708, classUuid=ab012e7a-12387-a7b1-4481-44ab98a6a123, classTypeId=0, listable=true, visible=true, startDate=null, endDate=null, publishDate=null, expirationDate=null, mimeType=text/html, title=Form Record for Form: Send email, description=, summary=, url=, layoutUuid=, height=0, width=0, priority=0.0, viewCount=0}

{mvccVersion=1, uuid=ab012e7a-12387-a7b1-4481-44ab98a6a123, formInstanceRecordId=56708, groupId=11555, companyId=11552, userId=11561, userName=Test Test, versionUserId=11561, versionUserName=Test Test, createDate=Tue Dec 15 08:30:19 GMT 2020, modifiedDate=Tue Dec 15 08:30:19 GMT 2020, formInstanceId=65521, formInstanceVersion=1.46, storageId=40512, version=1.0, lastPublishDate=null}

The form is:

enter image description here

I think I'm close, but I still can't access the form fields. In this case I want to get the "Email" field. Could you help me? Thanks a lot!


There are 1 answers


Unfortunately you'll have to dig a bit deeper into the API, but it looks like you're on the right path:

assetRenderer.getAssetObject() reveals an object that looks very much like it's form related, but it won't be a single bean with all the getters and setters you expect: They're unknown at compile-time, thus you'll have to use it to query its attributes.

If you look at assetRenderer.getAssetObject().getClass().getName(), you'll discover what you have at hand, and can dig further based on its interface (and the related APIs for the fields of a form).

I haven't worked with Forms on the code level, so I can't provide the full solution. Maybe someone else does, but until then you have a direction in which to look for one.