Have this Query that returns select customer, SUM(CASE WHEN activity IN ( 'a','b') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS num_activity_a_or_b from table_1 group by customer
Want to extend this to return one more column if for a given code say X1 if the Activity is "a" and "c" then return num_of_a_and_c_activity.
A bit stuck how to collect and inpect the code and activities in one pass. can we combine windowing function to achieve this.
Please advise and help
UPDATE: based on the updated results, maybe the below query is what you need So what i assume is that you need both a and c as well x1 . So I count distinct activities which are a and c and then do integer division by 2. if only a is present then count distinct =1 but 1/2 =0 in integer division. It is only 1 when both a and c are present.
Maybe your query can be