I am trying to use ArrayDeque for a class that is supposed to have O(1) time complexity for addfront, addback and retrieval. I could only think of using toArray() for retrieval and it is unfortunately O(n). Is there a way to implement a retrieval method for ArrayDeque that is O(1)?
Is there a way to achieve retrieval (get()) with O(1) time complexity for ArrayDeque?
1.1k views Asked by JY Zhang AtThere are 3 answers

You could achieve it using additional structure so the space complexity will become O(2n) which might not be very important. The approach I could suggest is to use a HashMap and to store there an index and link of Object you put to queue. Also, you will need to keep track on first and last index available. Every time you will have to access the element by index - you will have to calculate the shift based on the start index. Of course, you will have to take care to update start and end indexes every time element is added or removed from the queue. The only disadvantage - removal from the middle may take O(n), which might not be critical for the queue case. Here is an example with states of your objects while using additional structure:
indexMap: {}
--> add an element to the head
newCalculatedIndex = startIndex == endIndex ? startIndex : startIndex -1;
//newCalculatedIndex = 0
indexMap: {(0,'A')}
--> add an element to the head
//newCalculatedIndex = 0-1 = -1
indexMap: {(-1,'B'), (0,'A')}
--> add an element to the tail
newCalculatedIndex = startIndex == endIndex ? endIndex : endIndex + 1;
//newCalculatedIndex = 0 + 1 = 1
indexMap: {(-1,'B'), (0,'A'), (1,'C')}
--> Access element with index 2:
calculatedIndex = -1 + 2 = 1 -> indexMap.get(1) returns 'C'

The ArrayDeque
API doesn't provide any way to do this.
However, you could write a custom subclass of ArrayDeque
that implements get
. Something like this:
public E get(int i) {
if (i < 0 || i > size()) {
throw new ....("out of bounds");
long pos = this.head + i;
if (pos >= this.elements.length) {
pos -= this.elements.length;
return this.elements[(int) pos];
Note: this code has not been compiled / debugged. Use at your own risk!
This is O(1)
and has no impact on the performance of the existing operations in the ArrayDeque
The above won't work as a subclass of the standard ArrayDeque
class because the fields it is accessing are package private. However, you could copy the original class and add the above method to the copy.
(Just make sure that you copy the code from the OpenJDK codebase, and satisfy the GPLv2 requirements.)
I looked through the source code of
, and in no place is there a method that accesses an arbitrary array element by index. This would have been required in order for the operation to perform in O(1).It shouldn’t be too hard to implement your own class that fulfils your requirements, though. Search for “circular buffer”. If your array overflows, copy the entire contents into a new array of double size. This can’t be done in constant time, of course, but adding will still be in amortized constant time, the same as for
.I have assumed that by
you mean inspecting (without removing) an element by its position/index in the queue counted either from the front or from the back.Edit
Here’s a simple implementation. Please develop further to your need. The ideas are to use a circular buffer and to copy to a new array if the old one gets too small. I believe that
uses the same ideas.For a simple demonstration:
Output is: