Is there a way to do this. I don't want to shut off all of them from a certain ICE, because some may be valid and need fixing. But there are times I would like to say. OK, I can live with that ICE, there is no way around it and I just want to supress this instance. Can I do it?
Is there a way in WiX to supress ICE on a case by case basis
415 views Asked by Alex At
If I'm reading this correctly, you want to suppress some errors from a given ICE but not the entire ICE. If that is correct, no, this is not possible due to the design of Windows Installer. ICE's are atomic. The only work around would be to not use WiX to run your validation. Come up with your own script that executes validation redirecting to an output and then parse the output for ICE errors that don't contain the specific error that you don't care about.