Is there a way i can capture my external hdd as removable drive

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I am new to powershell and I am writing a script that will do something when a removable drive is connected. I have tried the script with three usb flash drives and everything works great. I tried with my toshiba canvio basic external hdd and it does not work(the task is not executed). I am using a windows 10 computer.

This is the powershell command i use to check for usb activity

 $wmiParameters = @{
  Query            = "select * from __InstanceCreationEvent within 5 where TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_LogicalDisk' and TargetInstance.DriveType = 2"
  SourceIdentifier = "USBDrive"
  MessageData      = "Test"
  TimeOut          = 500
  Action           = { & $PSScriptRoot\script.ps1 }
Register-WmiEvent @wmiParameters

I also noticed that when the execute the cmdlet Get-Volume the drivetype of the toshiba hdd is fixed but my the flash drives have drivetype removable and i don't know how the affects my script or how to fix it.

Results for cmdlet Get-Volume

How can i modify my code so it can capture my external hdd or how can i modify my settings to so that my external hdd is seen as removable drive? Thanks you.


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