Is there a programmatic way to get the "Tracked By" relationship for github issues

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GitHub let's me create tasks lists in the issue specification like so:

- [ ] #1
- [ ]

which will create a special relationship called "Tracked In" with the mentioned issue (see docs here). This is shown in the web-UI with a little icon "Tracked by #<ISSUE-WITH-TASKLIST-NUMBER>".

Is there any way via the API or CLI to find all issues that are "Tracked by" a specific issue?

I tried using the search syntax for linked issues but that seems to only apply to regular mentions of issues, not the specific "tracked by" relationship you get via task lists. That is, I cannot retrieve issues mentioned as part of a task list with the linked:<ISSUE-NUMBER> search syntax.

Is there some way of running a query that returns all issues tracked by a specific issue?


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