Is there a pattern/trick to enforce '<:' when defining type aliases with '='

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I ran into another issue of scala's subtype relation being non transitive ( and I start to think if there is some general work around possible. Long story short:

trait Thing { thisThing =>
    type Super >: Self <: Thing {
        type Super <: thisThing.Super
    type Self <: Thing {
        type Super = thisThing.Super
        type Self = thisThing.Self

trait Wrapper extends Thing {
    type SuperAdapted >: Adapted <: Thing
    type Adapted <: Thing

trait Adapter[+T <: Thing] extends Wrapper {
    val thing :T
    type Super = Adapter[thing.Super]
    type Self = Adapter[thing.Self]
    type Adapted = thing.Self

type Universal[+T <: Thing] = Wrapper { type Adapted <: T }

And this does not compile:

val t :Thing
implicitly[Adapter[t.Super] <:< Universal[t.Super]]

Now I have T <: Thing { type General <: G } but not Adapter[T] <:< Universal[G]. Is there a way to work around it? One would be of course to unitilize <:<#liftCo, but it works only for values, not types, and prevents higher types from using Adapter[T] and retaining a proper subtyping relation - basically now everywhere I'd have to switch back and forth using implicits and it's completely unmanagable. Can anyone think of an alternate definition of Universal such that at least Adapter[t.Self] <:< Universal[t.Super] and Adapter[t.Super] <:< Universal[t.Super], but preferably one which encompasses all wrappers with a.thing.Self <: T for arbitrary T (because I don't even have a T <: Thing in the place where I need this subtyping to work). I don't know, type lambdas, braking it into partial type definitions to somehow manually enforce transitiveness?


There are 2 answers


What I eventually did is I reversed the dependency. Instead of

 type Universal[+T <: Thing] = Adapter { type Adapted <: T }

(or similar), I added more member types to Thing:

trait Thing { thisThing =>
    /* as before */
    type Adapt = Wrapper { 
        type SuperAdapted <: thisThing.Super 
    type AdaptSuper = Wrapper {
        type SuperAdapted = thisThing.Super
        type Adapted = thisThing.Self

where the type SuperAdapted was ommitted from the original question in minimizing, but is required in my actual problem:

trait Adapter[+T <: Thing] {
    /* as before */
    type SuperAdapted = thing.Super

Now, instead of bounds [T <: Thing, A <: Universal[T]] and passing [t.Super, Adapter[Super]] I have [T <: Thing, A <: T#AdaptSuper] (or [T <: Thing, A <: T#Adapt], depending on the use case). It is not as flexible or elegant as before, but works and fits my use cases. That is, until Scala 3...

Dmytro Mitin On

I'm not sure I understand the logic encoded in types completely but shouldn't it be

trait Thing { thisThing =>
  type Super >: Self <: Thing {
    type Super <: thisThing.Super
    type Self = thisThing.Self
  type Self <: Thing {
    type Super = thisThing.Super
    type Self = thisThing.Self


trait Thing { thisThing =>
  type Super >: Self <: Thing {
    type Super >: thisThing.Self/*instead of Self*/ <: thisThing.Super   
    type Self <: thisThing.Super
  type Self <: Thing {
    type Super = thisThing.Super
    type Self = thisThing.Self
