I've started playing around with DGML for visualizing directed graphs based on some manufauctring process flow data. It works slicker than proverbial snot and is quite easy to generate.
The only problem is that the only DGML viewer I can find is VS.NET 2010. It appears that the viewer is built on MSAGL, but even that doesn't appear to support DGML directly.
Does a standalone DGML viewer exist? Preferably as an embeddable component. Even more preferably as WPF.
There is a DGML Viewer in Visual Studio 2019. You can install it via Visual Studio Installer. Just open Visual Studio Installer, click on Modify, select Individual Components, Code Tools, DGML Editor. To create the DGML files from a DbContext on an EF Core application, you can use EF Core Power Tools. The image below is from a DGML generated by EF Core Power Tools and viewed using DGML Editor. I hope it helps.