I "download" a RateCard with the Azure REST Api because I need the VM's prices. Any VM is two times in the RateCard. One time with the Windows OS and one time with the Linux Ubuntu. I only need the VMs with Linux RHEL but these are not in the RateCard. It's important because the price is different.
Currently i use this URL for the REST Api:
https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/.../providers/Microsoft.Commerce/RateCard?api-version=...&$filter=OfferDurableId eq '...' and Currency eq '...' and Locale eq '...' and RegionInfo eq '...'
Is there maybe an different Api i can use to get these specific informations?
There are only two REST APIs for Azure Billing.
A solution is to get the usage details and filter it by the
value if you have already a list of your RHEL Linux VM names, then you can look up the related ratecards by the same propertyMeterId
of the filtered usage results. After that, you will find out there is the same ratecard for the sameMeterId
of Linux VM.