Is solvepnp giving the camera position with respect to the object the absolute camera position?

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I would like to find the camera position based on the marker and use it as a ground truth. I use the following code to find the pose with solvepnp.

  retval, rvec, tvec, inliers = cv2.solvePnPRansac(objPoints, imgPoints, K, None, None, None, False ,method)

K is the camera matrix , imgpoints is the corners, objpoints is the model points. Based on these values, I calculated the camera position using the following code,

    gt_camPos =, tvec)

I have used the above camera position as the ground truth. I have a QR code which is attached next to the marker. I computed the camera position using the QR Code as well as using the same method. However, both camera positions deviate a lot. why is that so? Is there a way to create proper ground truth for camera position?


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