Is "Record" Deprecated in Rhino Mocks

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The latest version of Rhino mocks supports Arrange, Act Assert methodology. Does that mean that the record method that it used in previous version is deprecated?

I thought it was (deprecated), but as I was reading "The Art of Unit Testing" he uses the Record method when he introduces Rhino Mocks. So now I am not so sure....

Any one know for sure?

UPDATE: OK, I need to read the whole chapter before I get all upset about how he is doing things. In section 5.8 he covers AAA syntax. Still, my question remains, which is preferred now: AAA or record?


There are 1 answers

Grzenio On

You don't use Record when you are using AAA syntax. Could you paste the link to "The Art of Unit Testing"? A lot of the documentation hasn't been updated after introduction of AAA syntax.

EDIT: I prefer the AAA syntax, because it reads better. It seems also easier to set some constraints on arguments (especially the Arg<...>.Match), you don't have to remember about running ReplayAll, etc.