The Wikipedia section on this topic is a mess. It states:
Pure Prolog is based on a subset of first-order predicate logic, Horn clauses, which is Turing-complete. Turing completeness of Prolog can be shown by using it to simulate a Turing machine:
(emphasis added)
And then it goes on to show code that uses things that are not Horn clauses (!
and once
turing(Tape0, Tape) :-
perform(q0, [], Ls, Tape0, Rs),
reverse(Ls, Ls1),
append(Ls1, Rs, Tape).
perform(qf, Ls, Ls, Rs, Rs) :- !.
perform(Q0, Ls0, Ls, Rs0, Rs) :-
symbol(Rs0, Sym, RsRest),
once(rule(Q0, Sym, Q1, NewSym, Action)),
action(Action, Ls0, Ls1, [NewSym|RsRest], Rs1),
perform(Q1, Ls1, Ls, Rs1, Rs).
symbol([], b, []).
symbol([Sym|Rs], Sym, Rs).
action(left, Ls0, Ls, Rs0, Rs) :- left(Ls0, Ls, Rs0, Rs).
action(stay, Ls, Ls, Rs, Rs).
action(right, Ls0, [Sym|Ls0], [Sym|Rs], Rs).
left([], [], Rs0, [b|Rs0]).
left([L|Ls], Ls, Rs, [L|Rs]).
rule(q0, 1, q0, 1, right).
rule(q0, b, qf, 1, stay).
OK, so Prolog is Turing-complete. No one doubted that. What about pure Prolog?
If pure Prolog is, in fact, Turing-complete, how come we seemingly can't implement list intersection (the first list filtered by membership in the second list) in it? All implementations use at least one of the following: !
, \+
, findall
, call
directly or indirectly.
Please note that the answer using
does not need any cut at all. The cut (or if-then-else) is here merely for performance and robustness reasons (that is to catch determinate cases and to signal errors in case of unintended use). You can expand it all to a version without any such constructs. It will terminate the same way, but be less efficient in current implementations.Here are the purified versions of
:And, in case you do not accept the
(after all both are not part of first order logic), you would have to expand each use accordingly. In other words, all uses ofif_/3
are such that such an expansion is possible.As for Turing completeness, this is already established using a single rule. See this question and the references contained therein how this is possible (it is really not that intuitive).