Is possible to find prediction interval using quantile regression?

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When trying to run the below code predict, it gives me an error saying interval arg should be none or confidence and so I am wondering if there is a way to get prediction interval using quantile regression?

Note: If I replace the rq with lm I am able to find the prediction interval but, I want to find it using rq.

    mydata <- read.csv("C:\\Users\\gokul\\Desktop\\Book4.csv")
    mod = rq(y~q) # y is my dependent and q is my independent variables
    predict(mod, data.frame(q), interval = "prediction",level = 0.10)

Snippet of CSV file:

structure(list(y = c(71143L, 68061L, 66603L, 66907L, 69073L, 
                     72901L, 77521L, 81728L, 84842L, 87877L), q = c(71416.79329, 68003.59226, 
                                                                    66533.66142, 66620.44529, 68640.60953, 72945.13676, 77743.82153, 
                                                                    81604.52442, 84887.47483, 87904.33486)), row.names = c(NA, 10L
                                                                    ), class = "data.frame")

There are 1 answers

BigBendRegion On

Sure, just use the 0.05 and 0.95 quantile functions. That will give you the 90% prediction limits. Change 0.05 and 0.95 to 0.025 and 0.975 if you want 95% limits. Here is some R code.

n = 1000
beta0 = 2.1; beta1 = 0.7
X = runif(n, 10, 20)
Y = beta0 + beta1*X + .4*X*rnorm(n)

fit.05 = rq(Y ~ X, tau = .05)
fit.95 = rq(Y ~ X, tau = .95)

Lower = fit.05$fitted.values
Upper = fit.95$fitted.values

plot(X,Y, main = "Scatterplot with 90% Prediction Limits")
points(X,Lower, pch=".", col="red")
points(X,Upper, pch=".", col="red")

Here is the result:

Scatterplot with 90% Limits