I can't seem to find the jquery plugin for cookies on googles CDN. Is it only available for download?
Is jquery.cookies hosted on the Google CDN?
28.5k views Asked by Paul AtThere are 7 answers
It is not available on Google's CDN.
But cdnjs makes it available here: http://cdnjs.com/libraries/jquery-cookie/
cdnjs supports http/https/spdy. Seems to be more popular than jsDelivr: http://www.jsdelivr.com/#!jquery.cookie
Uptime is good http://stats.pingdom.com/4jg86a2wqei0/687131/history
According to CDNperf (http://www.cdnperf.com), at the time of writing this answer, the best CDN hosting for jquery.cookies is jsDelivr (http://jsdelivr.com), both in terms of latency (<100ms) and minimum downtime.
Remember to link the .JS file from your HTML without the protocol prefix, so that it works both with HTTP and HTTPs:
No, its not available on Google's Public CDN. But it is available on many other Public and Opensource CDNs. Here is the link from jQuery Cookie CDN for you:
<script src="https://pagecdn.io/lib/jquery-cookie/v1.4.1/jquery.cookie.js" integrity="sha256-uEFhyfv3UgzRTnAZ+SEgvYepKKB0FW6RqZLrqfyUNug=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
No, it's not on the Google CDN. All the libraries on the CDN are listed here - http://code.google.com/apis/libraries/