I have a properties file that is encoded as UTF-8 called theProperties.properties:
property1=Some Chinese Characters: 会意字會意字
property2=More chinese Char - 假借
property2=<any other valid UTF-8 characters>
I use a resource bundle to pull in the localized strings:
ResourceBundle localizedStrings = ResourceBundle.getBundle(
Resource bundle assumes that all strings are in ISO-8859-1 my resource files are encoded as UTF-8. I need to convert the string to UTF-8
Is it safe to wrap resource bundle and pull strings out of it like this:
public String getLocalizedString(String key){
String localizedString_ISO_8859_1 = localizedStrings.getString(key);
String localizedString_UTF_8 = new String(localizedString_ISO_8859_1.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8");
return localizedString_UTF_8;
Are there any times when this code is unsafe? It feels like it may be unsafe but strings are immutable does that mean that the bytes underneath are also immutable?
There are other ways to do this but this method is shorter so if it is safe I would prefer to go with this.
This is the alternate way of solving this issue, but it is a bit longer and from a ease of read perspective I like the above better since this solution is only changing a single line in the Control class.
That should work, though utterly ugly as bending everything needing a large comment.
It works as:
If you have a build infrastructure like maven, there are plugins to convert the encoding from src to build directory.
Also there are .properties editors with a wysiwig editing.
Cleanest might maybe to write your own ListResourceBundle child or such. Simply not (ab)using .properties. See the JRE for example usage.