Is it possible to use paging library with MVP architecture in android?

1.4k views Asked by At

I want to use paging library in my application, I have seen multiple sample they all are using view modal component with MVVM architecture, But most of the part of my application is in MVP architecture and I don't want to use MVVM, So is there any way to implement pagination with paging library with MVP architecture?


There are 1 answers

Annie Aye Myat On

Yes, you can. You can initiate Datasource Factory and implement methods in Presenter like

private void initData(String id) {
    executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);

    factory = new EvaluationDataSourceFactory(compositeDisposable, api, id);

    networkState = Transformations.switchMap(factory.getDataSource(), source -> {
                Timber.d("network status get");
                return source.getNetworkState();

    PagedList.Config pagedListConfig =
            (new PagedList.Config.Builder())

    error = Transformations.switchMap(factory.getDataSource(), source -> {
        return source.getError();

    assessments = (new LivePagedListBuilder(factory, pagedListConfig)).setFetchExecutor(executor).build();

public void getAssessments(String id) {

Then, you can call presenter method from your activity or fragment like


It worked for me.