Is it possible to use nested folders in gridsome when using the source-filesystem plugin?

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My desired content folder structure is as follows:

- content (directory)

-- trip_A (directory)

-- trip_B (directory)

I would ideally like to define this as a single "source" for the @gridsome/source-filesystem plugin so that the addition of future sub-folders are automatically populated in the source.

However, it appears that I may have to manually specify a separate @gridsome/source-filesystem source for each of the sub-folders? Is this correct, or is there a workaround of sorts?

For example:

  • How do I create a generic source for all trip posts (regardless of trip A, B, C or, in future, trip D) that uses a typeName (i.e. template page) of type Trip but hosts each of these pages at their respective parent directories, e.g. /tripA/day_1.html, /tripB/day_1.html etc? The config seems to take a single pathPrefix unless there is a way to use a dynamic wild card route?
  • How do I use different types? Here it seems to make sense to create a separate source-filesystem entry with a different typeName, unless there is another way to do this?

There are 2 answers

James Carter On BEST ANSWER

I found that the simplest solution to this problem is to manually assign the path in the Templates part of the gridsome config using a function

IE, for this plugin setup...

var plugins = [
    use: '@gridsome/source-filesystem',
    options: {
      path: '**/*.md',
      baseDir: 'temp/docs',
      typeName: 'Doc'

and this function to generate the path...

function slugify(node) {
  var text = node.title;
  var text = text.toString().toLowerCase()
    .replace(/\s+/g, '-')           // Replace spaces with -
    .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, '')       // Remove all non-word chars
    .replace(/\-\-+/g, '-')         // Replace multiple - with single -
    .replace(/^-+/, '')             // Trim - from start of text
    .replace(/-+$/, '');            // Trim - from end of text
    return + '/' + text;

and this Gridsome config that references the function in the templates object...

var gridsomeConfig = {
  siteName: siteName,
  icon: {
    favicon: favicon,
    touchicon: favicon
  plugins: plugins,
  templates: {
      (node) => {
        return `/docs/${slugify(node)}/`

and given some markdown files in various subdirectories, i.e. /api and /ui...

You will get content of type Doc at /docs/ui, /docs/api, etc. With the need for only one template (GraphQL type -- meaning same query for all docs).

mrfrogger On

What have you tried in your Gridsome config? Something like the following should collect all the files in the content directory and any of its subfolders:

   use: '@gridsome/source-filesystem',
   options: {
      path: './content/**/*.md',
      typeName: 'Post',  

If you add a trip_C in future it will be included in the collection automatically.

Alternatively, you can use a single asterisk in the glob pattern (path: 'content/*/*.md') if you don't want to scan subfolders recursively.

This works because you've nested everything in content. It's also possible to specify a list of patterns in the path field which might work if you want to combine files from multiple top-level directories together in a single collection.

Does that help?