A site I'm working on uses AJAX extensively to lazy load page data and to do Twitter style paging. I'd really like to be able to render the HTML via a template file as it will be easier to code and maintain than building an HTML string in a PHP function.
Is there some way to get the data from the DB and pass it to a theme function that loads a tpl file?
$node = node_load($nid);
$node_view = node_view($node);
echo drupal_render($node_view);
Yes, you can.
Drupal 7 AJAX requires a callback that needs to return the form element that has been updated and needs to be returned to the browser, or alternatively, a string containing HTML, or an array of custom Ajax commands.
One of the AJAX commands is ajax_command_html(), which you can use to insert the HTML returned from a theme function using a template.
You could have code similar to the following one:
The theme function is defined in
as in the following code:To notice that the template filename must match the name of the theme function; you can use hyphens where the theme function name uses underscores, but you cannot have a theme function named "foo" that uses "bar" as name of the template file.
The name of the template file reported from
doesn't include the extension (".tpl.php") that is added from Drupal when looking for the template file.