Is it possible to turn off magic quotes without an .htaccess or a php.ini file?

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One of my clients is hosting their site on ( a host that should be avoided at all costs ).

The host does not allow .htaccess files, and has no editable php.ini file on the server to edit.

But it does have magic_quotes on. Which is destroying all my POST requests.

What options do I have to turn this off still?


There are 3 answers

Your Common Sense On BEST ANSWER

Is it possible to turn off magic quotes without an .htaccess or a php.ini file?


Which is destroying all my POST requests.

Not a big deal.
To loop over $_POST array and strip slashes is a function of scarcely 5 lines, even with recursion.
Or you can google for the magic quotes and get this ready, I believe. It was posted thousands times here already, you know.

Shakti Singh On

You can still turn off it in PHP script using ini_set

like this


But disabling or enabling magic quotes with ini_set in PHP 5.3.0 is Deprecated.

Trip On

I've never used PHP before.. but I found that if I put a php.ini file in any directory where PHP is receiving a POST request.. and put this line in it.

magic_quotes_gpc = Off

Problem solved! No .htaccess and no root php.ini file..