I am using hawtio and i want to turn off some default plugins. if it is possible , please help me to fixe that. I tried to edit app.js as shown here (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/hawtio/vLhktYvHnCQ) but not very clear.
Is it possible to turn off default hawtio plugins?
511 views Asked by user2360260 At
In the upcoming 1.2.2 release (we will do this release later later this month - eg January 2014), you can turn off plugins, and reorder the order in the navigation tab. You can do this from the preference.
There is a FAQ entry about this at: http://hawt.io/faq/index.html it also points you to the idea about creating a custom perspective where you can select which plugins to show/hide etc: https://github.com/hawtio/hawtio/tree/master/hawtio-plugin-examples/custom-perspective