I am able to get the primary, accent and warn palette and save them in scss vars:
$candy-app-theme: mat-dark-theme($candy-app-primary, $candy-app-accent, $candy-app-warn);
$primary: map-get($candy-app-theme, primary);
$accent: map-get($candy-app-theme, accent);
$warn: map-get($candy-app-theme, warn);
Now I am able style my own components with css classes. But lets say i want to make a card css class (couldn't think of a better example, i know there is a card component) with a background color slightly lighter than the normal background of a md-sidenav-container for example.
How would i approach this?
I already took a look @ Theming your own components (sadly its not covered) Also I stumbled across this guide.
I tried this - but as soon as I tried to get a color out of foreground I got the following error:
color: mat-color($foreground, text);
Module build failed:
Argument `$map` of `map-get($map, $key)` must be a map
node_modules/@angular/material/_theming.scss:1107, in function `map-get`
node_modules/@angular/material/_theming.scss:1107, in function `mat-color`
in C:\Users\tobia\Documents\frontend\node_modules\@angular\material\_theming.scss (line 1107, column 11)
Argument `$map` of `map-get($map, $key)` must be a map
node_modules/@angular/material/_theming.scss:1107, in function `map-get`
node_modules/@angular/material/_theming.scss:1107, in function `mat-color`
I hope I didn't overlook something obvious. Any kind of help would be appreciated :)
I think there is something missing about how you apply the custom theme to the material core theme.
Create a mixin for your custom themes in your
-file:After that you have to include that mixin to material theme:
A very good guide for theming (including custom themes) in Angular Material 2 is by Tomas Trajan: https://medium.com/@tomastrajan/the-complete-guide-to-angular-material-themes-4d165a9d24d1