Is it possible to program custom SmartcardCredentialProvider on windows login screen?

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I want to write CredentialProvider similar to builtin SmartcardCredentialProvider used in domain, but with one difference: When the PIN field is displayed, do automatic submit with empty PIN and let the user log in to windows.

I have some ideas, but not sure if it will work:

  1. Write CredentialProvider that will monitor the state SmartcardCredential provider, detect the state with PIN prompt and hit Enter
  2. Write credential provider that will do the smartcard discovery on its own do the authentication process between Smartcard <-> CredentialProviderAPI

Can this structure lead me to entering empty pin? KERB_SMART_CARD_LOGON

I dived into pGina source code, but I see only username and password used in authentication with CredentialProviderAPI, so I am afraid it is possible to use with certificate on smartcard.


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