Is it possible to pass an array of json object as parameters of a URL?

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I am working on unit test for a restAPI implementation in Golang. I need to pass an array of object into url. Here is an example of struct I have:

    type version struct {
        Name string `json:"name"`
        Ver  string `json:"ver"`
    type event struct {
        ID          string    `json:"id"`
        Title       string    `json:"Title"`
        Description string    `json:"Description"`
        Versions    []version `json:"versions"`

The sample json input i tested in postman will be look like this one

    "id": "101",
    "title": "This is simple Golang title for testing!",
    "Description":"Sample code for REST api implementation in Golang 2021!",
    "versions": [
                "name": "pingPong",
                "ver": "10.2"
                "name": "Ninja",
                "ver": "10.24"


My question is that how can i pass an array of objects as URL parameters. I expect to have something like below but not how to fill the ending part i highlighted by the ...


There are 1 answers

sami ghasemi On

I don't know how you want the URL like, so I wrote it myself in a way that you can change it any way you want, And let me add that I don't know how many versions you have, so I wrote in such a way that no matter how many versions you have, it can handle it.

package main

import (

var jsonData string =
    "id": "101",
    "title": "This is simple Golang title for testing!",
    "Description":"Sample code for REST api implementation in Golang 2021!",
    "versions": [
                "name": "pingPong",
                "ver": "10.2"
                "name": "Ninja",
                "ver": "10.24"


type (
    Event struct {
        Id          string    `json:"id"`
        Title       string    `json:"title"`
        Description string    `json:"description"`
        Versions    []Version `json:"versions"`

    Version struct {
        Name string `json:"name"`
        Ver  string `json:"ver"`

func fillVersions(event *Event, baseUrl string) string {
    var finalUrl string = baseUrl

    for index, value := range event.Versions {
        restUrl := fmt.Sprintf("Version%d=%s-%s", index + 1, value.Name, value.Ver)

        finalUrl = fmt.Sprintf(
            finalUrl + "%s" + "&",
    return strings.TrimRight(finalUrl, "&")

func main() {
    var event Event
    json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonData), &event)

    baseUrl := fmt.Sprintf(

    finalUrl := fillVersions(&event, baseUrl)


The output of the program is as follows: is simple Golang title for testing!&Description=Sample code for REST api implementation in Golang 2021!&Version1=pingPong-10.2&Version2=Ninja-10.24

I would also like to say that the last & will be removed, If you don't want to do this, Remove the following line and write as follows (also remove the strings library from the import scope):

return strings.TrimRight(finalUrl, "&") // remove this
return finalUrl // add this