I would like to Parse an complete CCDA XML file by using any library available in Go. I tried to parse the CCDA XML file by using the https://godoc.org/github.com/clbanning/mxj library. In this one we need to go to specific path and parse the data but I want to parse the different scetions at a time by using the package or a library. I googled and ended up with no answers. It would be great if you guys help me.
Is it Possible to Parsing a complete CCDA xml file Using Go?
1.3k views Asked by Srikanth Reddy At
One thing you can try is to use a DOM library to parse the CCDA, and work on the resulting DOM model. There are several of them, one being https://github.com/lestrrat-go/libxml2, which uses the libxml2 library.