Is it possible to mix-in ChangeNotifier with audio_service in Flutter?

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Is it possible to mix-in ChangeNotifier using provider with a BaseAudioHandler class from audio_service package -- so that widgets listen to custom variable changes from the BaseAudioHandler class (specifically the position of a custom timer in my case); in addition to listening to standard variables accessible from a PlaybackEventStream.

I've set up below which doesn't throw an error, but Consumer is not listening to variable changes.

class CustomAudioHandler extends BaseAudioHandler with ChangeNotifier  {
  final audioPlayer = AudioPlayer();

  CountdownTimer? timer;

  int remainingTime = 0;

  CustomAudioHandler() {

  PlaybackState updatePlaybackState(PlaybackEvent event) {
/// etc.

  Future<void> playMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {

    timer = CountdownTimer(
        Duration(milliseconds: 60000), Duration(milliseconds: 1));

    timer?.listen((event) {
      remainingTime = event.remaining.inMilliseconds;



Then listen to this from the app somewhere like so:


      builder: (BuildContext context, value, Widget? child) {
/// No variable changes are recorded

ChangeNotifierProvider is set up too (and the BaseAudioHandler class is initialized).

    create: (_) => CustomAudioHandler(),
    child: etc....

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